from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import pygfx
from ...utils import (
from ._base import (
from .utils import parse_colors
class VertexColors(BufferManager):
**info dict**
| dict key | value type | value description |
| key | int | slice | np.ndarray[int | bool] | tuple[slice, ...] | key at which colors were indexed/sliced |
| value | np.ndarray | new color values for points that were changed, shape is [n_points_changed, RGBA] |
| user_value | str | np.ndarray | tuple[float] | list[float] | list[str] | user input value that was parsed into the RGBA array |
def __init__(
colors: str | np.ndarray | tuple[float] | list[float] | list[str],
n_colors: int,
alpha: float = None,
isolated_buffer: bool = True,
Manages the vertex color buffer for :class:`LineGraphic` or :class:`ScatterGraphic`
colors: str | np.ndarray | tuple[float, float, float, float] | list[str] | list[float] | int | float
specify colors as a single human-readable string, RGBA array,
or an iterable of strings or RGBA arrays
n_colors: int
number of colors, if passing in a single str or single RGBA array
alpha: float, optional
alpha value for the colors
data = parse_colors(colors, n_colors, alpha)
super().__init__(data=data, isolated_buffer=isolated_buffer)
def __setitem__(
key: int | slice | np.ndarray[int | bool] | tuple[slice, ...],
user_value: str | np.ndarray | tuple[float] | list[float] | list[str],
user_key = key
if isinstance(key, tuple):
# directly setting RGBA values for points, we do no parsing
if not isinstance(user_value, (int, float, np.ndarray)):
raise TypeError(
"Can only set from int, float, or array to set colors directly by slicing the entire array"
value = user_value
elif isinstance(key, int):
# set color of one point
n_colors = 1
value = parse_colors(user_value, n_colors)
elif isinstance(key, slice):
# find n_colors by converting slice to range and then parse colors
start, stop, step = key.indices(self.value.shape[0])
n_colors = len(range(start, stop, step))
value = parse_colors(user_value, n_colors)
elif isinstance(key, (np.ndarray, list)):
if isinstance(key, list):
# convert to array
key = np.array(key)
# make sure it's 1D
if not key.ndim == 1:
raise TypeError(
"If slicing colors with an array, it must be a 1D bool or int array"
if key.dtype == bool:
# make sure len is same
if not key.size ==[0]:
raise IndexError(
f"Length of array for fancy indexing must match number of datapoints.\n"
f"There are {len([0])} datapoints and you have passed {key.size} indices"
n_colors = np.count_nonzero(key)
elif np.issubdtype(key.dtype, np.integer):
n_colors = key.size
raise TypeError(
"If slicing colors with an array, it must be a 1D bool or int array"
value = parse_colors(user_value, n_colors)
raise TypeError(
f"invalid key for setting colors, you may set colors using integer indices, slices, or "
f"fancy indexing using an array of integers or bool"
)[key] = value
if len(self._event_handlers) < 1:
event_info = {
"key": user_key,
"value": value,
"user_value": user_value,
event = FeatureEvent("colors", info=event_info)
def __len__(self):
return len(
# Manages uniform color for line or scatter material
# manages uniform size for scatter material
# manages the coordinate space for scatter/line
class SizeSpace(GraphicFeature):
def __init__(self, value: str):
self._value = value
def value(self) -> str:
return self._value
def set_value(self, graphic, value: str):
if "Line" in graphic.world_object.material.__class__.__name__:
graphic.world_object.material.thickness_space = value
graphic.world_object.material.size_space = value
self._value = value
event = FeatureEvent(type="size_space", info={"value": value})
class VertexPositions(BufferManager):
| dict key | value type | value description |
| key | int | slice | np.ndarray[int | bool] | tuple[slice, ...] | key at which vertex positions data were indexed/sliced |
| value | np.ndarray | float | list[float] | new data values for points that were changed, shape depends on the indices that were set |
def __init__(self, data: Any, isolated_buffer: bool = True):
Manages the vertex positions buffer shown in the graphic.
Supports fancy indexing if the data array also supports it.
data = self._fix_data(data)
super().__init__(data, isolated_buffer=isolated_buffer)
def _fix_data(self, data):
# data = to_gpu_supported_dtype(data)
if data.ndim == 1:
# if user provides a 1D array, assume these are y-values
data = np.column_stack([np.arange(data.size, dtype=data.dtype), data])
if data.shape[1] != 3:
if data.shape[1] != 2:
raise ValueError(f"Must pass 1D, 2D or 3D data")
# zeros for z
zs = np.zeros(data.shape[0], dtype=data.dtype)
# column stack [x, y, z] to make data of shape [n_points, 3]
data = np.column_stack([data[:, 0], data[:, 1], zs])
return to_gpu_supported_dtype(data)
def __setitem__(
key: int | slice | np.ndarray[int | bool] | tuple[slice, ...],
value: np.ndarray | float | list[float],
# directly use the key to slice the buffer[key] = value
# _update_range handles parsing the key to
# determine offset and size for GPU upload
self._emit_event("data", key, value)
def __len__(self):
return len(
class PointsSizesFeature(BufferManager):
| dict key | value type | value description |
| key | int | slice | np.ndarray[int | bool] | list[int | bool] | key at which point sizes indexed/sliced |
| value | int | float | np.ndarray | list[int | float] | tuple[int | float] | new size values for points that were changed |
def __init__(
sizes: int | float | np.ndarray | list[int | float] | tuple[int | float],
n_datapoints: int,
isolated_buffer: bool = True,
Manages sizes buffer of scatter points.
sizes = self._fix_sizes(sizes, n_datapoints)
super().__init__(data=sizes, isolated_buffer=isolated_buffer)
def _fix_sizes(
sizes: int | float | np.ndarray | list[int | float] | tuple[int | float],
n_datapoints: int,
if np.issubdtype(type(sizes), np.number):
# single value given
sizes = np.full(
n_datapoints, sizes, dtype=np.float32
) # force it into a float to avoid weird gpu errors
elif isinstance(
sizes, (np.ndarray, tuple, list)
): # if it's not a ndarray already, make it one
sizes = np.asarray(sizes, dtype=np.float32) # read it in as a numpy.float32
if (sizes.ndim != 1) or (sizes.size != n_datapoints):
raise ValueError(
f"sequence of `sizes` must be 1 dimensional with "
f"the same length as the number of datapoints"
raise TypeError(
"sizes must be a single <int>, <float>, or a sequence (array, list, tuple) of int"
"or float with the length equal to the number of datapoints"
if np.count_nonzero(sizes < 0) > 1:
raise ValueError(
"All sizes must be positive numbers greater than or equal to 0.0."
return sizes
def __setitem__(
key: int | slice | np.ndarray[int | bool] | list[int | bool],
value: int | float | np.ndarray | list[int | float] | tuple[int | float],
# this is a very simple 1D buffer, no parsing required, directly set buffer[key] = value
self._emit_event("sizes", key, value)
def __len__(self):
return len(
class Thickness(GraphicFeature):
"""line thickness"""
def __init__(self, value: float):
self._value = value
def value(self) -> float:
return self._value
def set_value(self, graphic, value: float):
graphic.world_object.material.thickness = value
self._value = value
event = FeatureEvent(type="thickness", info={"value": value})
class VertexCmap(BufferManager):
Sliceable colormap feature, manages a VertexColors instance and
provides a way to set colormaps with arbitrary transforms
def __init__(
vertex_colors: VertexColors,
cmap_name: str | None,
transform: np.ndarray | None,
alpha: float = 1.0,
self._vertex_colors = vertex_colors
self._cmap_name = cmap_name
self._transform = transform
self._alpha = alpha
if self._cmap_name is not None:
if not isinstance(self._cmap_name, str):
raise TypeError(
f"cmap name must be of type <str>, you have passed: {self._cmap_name} of type: {type(self._cmap_name)}"
if self._transform is not None:
self._transform = np.asarray(self._transform)
n_datapoints = vertex_colors.value.shape[0]
colors = parse_cmap_values(
colors[:, -1] = alpha
# set vertex colors from cmap
self._vertex_colors[:] = colors
def __setitem__(self, key: slice, cmap_name):
if not isinstance(key, slice):
raise TypeError(
"fancy indexing not supported for VertexCmap, only slices "
"of a continuous are supported for apply a cmap"
if key.step is not None:
raise TypeError(
"step sized indexing not currently supported for setting VertexCmap, "
"slices must be a continuous region"
# parse slice
start, stop, step = key.indices(self.value.shape[0])
n_elements = len(range(start, stop, step))
colors = parse_cmap_values(
n_colors=n_elements, cmap_name=cmap_name, transform=self._transform
colors[:, -1] = self.alpha
self._cmap_name = cmap_name
self._vertex_colors[key] = colors
# TODO: should we block vertex_colors from emitting an event?
# Because currently this will result in 2 emitted events, one
# for cmap and another from the colors
self._emit_event("cmap", key, cmap_name)
def name(self) -> str:
return self._cmap_name
def transform(self) -> np.ndarray | None:
"""Get or set the cmap transform. Maps values from the transform array to the cmap colors"""
return self._transform
def transform(
values: np.ndarray | list[float | int],
indices: slice | list | np.ndarray = None,
if self._cmap_name is None:
raise AttributeError(
"cmap name is not set, set the cmap name before setting the transform"
values = np.asarray(values)
colors = parse_cmap_values(
n_colors=self.value.shape[0], cmap_name=self._cmap_name, transform=values
colors[:, -1] = self.alpha
self._transform = values
if indices is None:
indices = slice(None)
self._vertex_colors[indices] = colors
self._emit_event("cmap.transform", indices, values)
def alpha(self) -> float:
"""Get or set the alpha level"""
return self._alpha
def alpha(self, value: float, indices: slice | list | np.ndarray = None):
self._vertex_colors[indices, -1] = value
self._alpha = value
self._emit_event("cmap.alpha", indices, value)
def __len__(self):
raise NotImplementedError(
"len not implemented for `cmap`, use len(colors) instead"
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__} | cmap: {}\ntransform: {self.transform}"