Source code for fastplotlib.layouts._figure
import os
from itertools import product, chain
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from typing import Literal, Iterable
from inspect import getfullargspec
from warnings import warn
import pygfx
from rendercanvas import BaseRenderCanvas
from ._utils import make_canvas_and_renderer, create_controller, create_camera
from ._utils import controller_types as valid_controller_types
from ._subplot import Subplot
from .. import ImageGraphic
# number of pixels taken by the imgui toolbar when present
class Figure:
def __init__(
shape: list[tuple[int, int, int, int]] | tuple[int, int] = (1, 1),
cameras: (
Literal["2d", "3d"]
| Iterable[Iterable[Literal["2d", "3d"]]]
| pygfx.PerspectiveCamera
| Iterable[Iterable[pygfx.PerspectiveCamera]]
) = "2d",
controller_types: (
Iterable[Iterable[Literal["panzoom", "fly", "trackball", "orbit"]]]
| Iterable[Literal["panzoom", "fly", "trackball", "orbit"]]
) = None,
controller_ids: (
| Iterable[int]
| Iterable[Iterable[int]]
| Iterable[Iterable[str]]
) = None,
controllers: pygfx.Controller | Iterable[Iterable[pygfx.Controller]] = None,
canvas: str | BaseRenderCanvas | pygfx.Texture = None,
renderer: pygfx.WgpuRenderer = None,
size: tuple[int, int] = (500, 300),
names: list | np.ndarray = None,
A grid of subplots.
shape: list[tuple[int, int, int, int]] | tuple[int, int], default (1, 1)
grid of shape [n_rows, n_cols] or list of bounding boxes: [x, y, width, height] (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
cameras: "2d", "3", list of "2d" | "3d", Iterable of camera instances, or Iterable of "2d" | "3d", optional
| if str, one of ``"2d"`` or ``"3d"`` indicating 2D or 3D cameras for all subplots
| Iterable/list/array of ``2d`` and/or ``3d`` that specifies the camera type for each subplot
| Iterable/list/array of pygfx.PerspectiveCamera instances
controller_types: str, Iterable, optional
list/array that specifies the controller type for each subplot.
Valid controller types: "panzoom", "fly", "trackball", "orbit".
If not specified a default controller is chosen based on the camera type.
Orthographic projections, i.e. "2d" cameras, use a "panzoom" controller by default.
Perspective projections with a FOV > 0, i.e. "3d" cameras, use a "fly" controller by default.
controller_ids: str, list of int, np.ndarray of int, or list with sublists of subplot str names, optional
| If `None` a unique controller is created for each subplot
| If "sync" all the subplots use the same controller
This allows custom assignment of controllers
| Example with integers:
| sync first 2 plots, and sync last 2 plots: [[0, 0, 1], [2, 3, 3]]
| Example with str subplot names:
| list of lists of subplot names, each sublist is synced: [[subplot_a, subplot_b, subplot_e], [subplot_c, subplot_d]]
| this syncs subplot_a, subplot_b and subplot_e together; syncs subplot_c and subplot_d together
controllers: pygfx.Controller | list[pygfx.Controller] | np.ndarray[pygfx.Controller], optional
directly provide pygfx.Controller instances(s). Useful if you want to use a controller from an existing
plot/subplot. Other controller kwargs, i.e. ``controller_types`` and ``controller_ids`` are ignored if
``controllers`` are provided.
canvas: str, BaseRenderCanvas, pygfx.Texture
Canvas to draw the figure onto, usually auto-selected based on running environment.
renderer: pygfx.Renderer, optional
pygfx renderer instance
size: (int, int), optional
starting size of canvas, default (500, 300)
names: list or array of str, optional
subplot names
if isinstance(shape, list):
raise NotImplementedError("bounding boxes for shape not yet implemented")
if not all(isinstance(v, (tuple, list)) for v in shape):
raise TypeError(
"shape argument must be a list of bounding boxes or a tuple[n_rows, n_cols]"
for item in shape:
if not all(isinstance(v, (int, np.integer)) for v in item):
raise TypeError(
"shape argument must be a list of bounding boxes or a tuple[n_rows, n_cols]"
# constant that sets the Figure to be in "rect" mode
self._mode: str = "rect"
elif isinstance(shape, tuple):
if not all(isinstance(v, (int, np.integer)) for v in shape):
raise TypeError(
"shape argument must be a list of bounding boxes or a tuple[n_rows, n_cols]"
# constant that sets the Figure to be in "grid" mode
self._mode: str = "grid"
# shape is [n_subplots, row_col_index]
self._subplot_grid_positions: dict[Subplot, tuple[int, int]] = dict()
raise TypeError(
"shape argument must be a list of bounding boxes or a tuple[n_rows, n_cols]"
self._shape = shape
# default spacing of 2 pixels between subplots
self._spacing = 2
if names is not None:
subplot_names = np.asarray(names).flatten()
if subplot_names.size != len(self):
raise ValueError(
"must provide same number of subplot `names` as specified by Figure `shape`"
subplot_names = None
canvas, renderer = make_canvas_and_renderer(
canvas, renderer, canvas_kwargs={"size": size}
canvas.add_event_handler(self._set_viewport_rects, "resize")
if isinstance(cameras, str):
# create the array representing the views for each subplot in the grid
cameras = np.array([cameras] * len(self))
# list/tuple -> array if necessary
cameras = np.asarray(cameras).flatten()
if cameras.size != len(self):
raise ValueError(
f"Number of cameras: {cameras.size} does not match the number of subplots: {len(self)}"
# create the cameras
subplot_cameras = np.empty(len(self), dtype=object)
for index in range(len(self)):
subplot_cameras[index] = create_camera(camera_type=cameras[index])
# if controller instances have been specified for each subplot
if controllers is not None:
# one controller for all subplots
if isinstance(controllers, pygfx.Controller):
controllers = [controllers] * len(self)
# individual controller instance specified for each subplot
# I found that this is better than list(*chain(<list/array>)) because chain doesn't give the right
# result we want for arrays
for item in controllers:
if isinstance(item, pygfx.Controller):
elif all(isinstance(c, pygfx.Controller) for c in item):
raise TypeError(
"controllers argument must be a single pygfx.Controller instance, or a Iterable of "
"pygfx.Controller instances"
subplot_controllers: np.ndarray[pygfx.Controller] = np.asarray(
if not subplot_controllers.size == len(self):
raise ValueError(
f"number of controllers passed must be the same as the number of subplots specified "
f"by shape: {len(self)}. You have passed: {subplot_controllers.size} controllers"
) from None
for index in range(len(self)):
# parse controller_ids and controller_types to make desired controller for each subplot
if controller_ids is None:
# individual controller for each subplot
controller_ids = np.arange(len(self))
elif isinstance(controller_ids, str):
if controller_ids == "sync":
# this will end up creating one controller to control the camera of every subplot
controller_ids = np.zeros(len(self), dtype=int)
raise ValueError(
f"`controller_ids` must be one of 'sync', an array/list of subplot names, or an array/list of "
f"integer ids. See the docstring for more details."
# list controller_ids
elif isinstance(controller_ids, (list, np.ndarray)):
ids_flat = list(chain(*controller_ids))
# list of str of subplot names, convert this to integer ids
if all([isinstance(item, str) for item in ids_flat]):
if subplot_names is None:
raise ValueError(
"must specify subplot `names` to use list of str for `controller_ids`"
# make sure each controller_id str is a subplot name
if not all([n in subplot_names for n in ids_flat]):
raise KeyError(
f"all `controller_ids` strings must be one of the subplot names"
if len(ids_flat) > len(set(ids_flat)):
raise ValueError(
"id strings must not appear twice in `controller_ids`"
# initialize controller_ids array
ids_init = np.arange(len(self))
# set id based on subplot position for each synced sublist
for row_ix, sublist in enumerate(controller_ids):
for name in sublist:
ids_init[subplot_names == name] = -(
row_ix + 1
) # use negative numbers to avoid collision with positive numbers from np.arange
controller_ids = ids_init
# integer ids
elif all([isinstance(item, (int, np.integer)) for item in ids_flat]):
controller_ids = np.asarray(controller_ids).flatten()
if controller_ids.max() < 0:
raise ValueError(
"if passing an integer array of `controller_ids`, all the integers must be positive."
raise TypeError(
f"list argument to `controller_ids` must be a list of `str` or `int`, "
f"you have passed: {controller_ids}"
if controller_ids.size != len(self):
raise ValueError(
"Number of controller_ids does not match the number of subplots"
if controller_types is None:
# `create_controller()` will auto-determine controller for each subplot based on defaults
controller_types = np.array(["default"] * len(self))
# valid controller types
if isinstance(controller_types, str):
controller_types = np.array([controller_types] * len(self))
controller_types: np.ndarray[pygfx.Controller] = np.asarray(
# str controller_type or pygfx instances
valid_str = list(valid_controller_types.keys()) + ["default"]
# make sure each controller type is valid
for controller_type in controller_types:
if controller_type is None:
if controller_type not in valid_str:
raise ValueError(
f"You have passed the invalid `controller_type`: {controller_type}. "
f"Valid `controller_types` arguments are:\n {valid_str}"
# make the real controllers for each subplot
subplot_controllers = np.empty(shape=len(self), dtype=object)
for cid in np.unique(controller_ids):
cont_type = controller_types[controller_ids == cid]
if np.unique(cont_type).size > 1:
raise ValueError(
"Multiple controller types have been assigned to the same controller id. "
"All controllers with the same id must use the same type of controller."
cont_type = cont_type[0]
# get all the cameras that use this controller
cams = subplot_cameras[controller_ids == cid].ravel()
if cont_type == "default":
# hacky fix for now because of how `create_controller()` works
cont_type = None
_controller = create_controller(
controller_type=cont_type, camera=cams[0]
subplot_controllers[controller_ids == cid] = _controller
# add the other cameras that go with this controller
if cams.size > 1:
for cam in cams[1:]:
self._canvas = canvas
self._renderer = renderer
if self.mode == "grid":
nrows, ncols = self.shape
self._subplots: np.ndarray[Subplot] = np.ndarray(
shape=(nrows, ncols), dtype=object
for i, (row_ix, col_ix) in enumerate(product(range(nrows), range(ncols))):
camera = subplot_cameras[i]
controller = subplot_controllers[i]
if subplot_names is not None:
name = subplot_names[i]
name = None
subplot = Subplot(
self._subplots[row_ix, col_ix] = subplot
self._subplot_grid_positions[subplot] = (row_ix, col_ix)
self._animate_funcs_pre: list[callable] = list()
self._animate_funcs_post: list[callable] = list()
self._current_iter = None
self._sidecar = None
self._output = None
self._pause_render = False
def shape(self) -> list[tuple[int, int, int, int]] | tuple[int, int]:
"""[n_rows, n_cols]"""
return self._shape
def mode(self) -> str:
one of 'grid' or 'rect'
Used by Figure to determine certain aspects, such as how to calculate
rects and shapes of properties for cameras, controllers, and subplots arrays
return self._mode
def spacing(self) -> int:
"""spacing between subplots, in pixels"""
return self._spacing
def spacing(self, value: int):
"""set the spacing between subplots, in pixels"""
if not isinstance(value, (int, np.integer)):
raise TypeError("spacing must be of type <int>")
self._spacing = value
def canvas(self) -> BaseRenderCanvas:
"""The canvas this Figure is drawn onto"""
return self._canvas
def renderer(self) -> pygfx.WgpuRenderer:
"""The renderer that renders this Figure"""
return self._renderer
def controllers(self) -> np.ndarray[pygfx.Controller]:
"""controllers, read-only array, access individual subplots to change a controller"""
controllers = np.asarray([subplot.controller for subplot in self], dtype=object)
if self.mode == "grid":
controllers = controllers.reshape(self.shape)
controllers.flags.writeable = False
return controllers
def cameras(self) -> np.ndarray[pygfx.Camera]:
"""cameras, read-only array, access individual subplots to change a camera"""
cameras = np.asarray([ for subplot in self], dtype=object)
if self.mode == "grid":
cameras = cameras.reshape(self.shape)
cameras.flags.writeable = False
return cameras
def names(self) -> np.ndarray[str]:
"""subplot names, read-only array, access individual subplots to change a name"""
names = np.asarray([ for subplot in self])
if self.mode == "grid":
names = names.reshape(self.shape)
names.flags.writeable = False
return names
def __getitem__(self, index: str | int | tuple[int, int]) -> Subplot:
if isinstance(index, str):
for subplot in self._subplots.ravel():
if == index:
return subplot
raise IndexError(f"no subplot with given name: {index}")
if self.mode == "grid":
return self._subplots[index[0], index[1]]
return self._subplots[index]
def _render(self, draw=True):
# call the animation functions before render
for subplot in self:
# call post-render animate functions
def _start_render(self):
"""start render cycle"""
def show(
autoscale: bool = True,
maintain_aspect: bool = None,
sidecar: bool = False,
sidecar_kwargs: dict = None,
Begins the rendering event loop and shows the Figure, returns the canvas
autoscale: bool, default ``True``
autoscale the Scene
maintain_aspect: bool, default ``True``
maintain aspect ratio
sidecar: bool, default ``True``
display plot in a ``jupyterlab-sidecar``, only in jupyter
sidecar_kwargs: dict, default ``None``
kwargs for sidecar instance to display plot
i.e. title, layout
In Qt or GLFW, the canvas window containing the Figure will be shown.
In jupyter, it will display the plot in the output cell or sidecar.
# show was already called, return canvas
if self._output:
return self._output
if sidecar_kwargs is None:
sidecar_kwargs = dict()
# flip y-axis if ImageGraphics are present
for subplot in self:
for g in
if isinstance(g, ImageGraphic): *= -1
if autoscale:
for subplot in self:
if maintain_aspect is None:
_maintain_aspect =
_maintain_aspect = maintain_aspect
# parse based on canvas type
if self.canvas.__class__.__name__ == "JupyterRenderCanvas":
if sidecar:
from sidecar import Sidecar
from IPython.display import display
self._sidecar = Sidecar(**sidecar_kwargs)
self._output = self.canvas
with self._sidecar:
return display(self.canvas)
self._output = self.canvas
return self._output
elif self.canvas.__class__.__name__ == "QRenderCanvas":
self._output = self.canvas
return self.canvas
elif self.canvas.__class__.__name__ == "OffscreenRenderCanvas":
# for test and docs gallery screenshots
for subplot in self:
# render call is blocking only on github actions for some reason,
# but not for rtd build, this is a workaround
# for CI tests, the render call works if it's in test_examples
# but it is necessary for the gallery images too so that's why this check is here
if "RTD_BUILD" in os.environ.keys():
if os.environ["RTD_BUILD"] == "1":
else: # assume GLFW
self._output = self.canvas
# return the canvas
return self._output
def _call_animate_functions(self, funcs: list[callable]):
for fn in funcs:
if len(getfullargspec(fn).args) > 0:
except (ValueError, TypeError):
f"Could not resolve argspec of {self.__class__.__name__} animation function: {fn}, "
f"calling it without arguments."
def add_animations(
*funcs: callable,
pre_render: bool = True,
post_render: bool = False,
Add function(s) that are called on every render cycle.
These are called at the Figure level.
*funcs: callable(s)
function(s) that are called on each render cycle
pre_render: bool, default ``True``, optional keyword-only argument
if true, these function(s) are called before a render cycle
post_render: bool, default ``False``, optional keyword-only argument
if true, these function(s) are called after a render cycle
for f in funcs:
if not callable(f):
raise TypeError(
f"all positional arguments to add_animations() must be callable types, you have passed a: {type(f)}"
if pre_render:
self._animate_funcs_pre += funcs
if post_render:
self._animate_funcs_post += funcs
def remove_animation(self, func):
Removes the passed animation function from both pre and post render.
func: callable
The function to remove, raises a error if it's not registered as a pre or post animation function.
if func not in self._animate_funcs_pre and func not in self._animate_funcs_post:
raise KeyError(
f"The passed function: {func} is not registered as an animation function. These are the animation "
f" functions that are currently registered:\n"
f"pre: {self._animate_funcs_pre}\n\npost: {self._animate_funcs_post}"
if func in self._animate_funcs_pre:
if func in self._animate_funcs_post:
def export_numpy(self, rgb: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
Export a snapshot of the Figure as numpy array.
rgb: bool, default ``False``
if True, use alpha blending to return an RGB image.
if False, returns an RGBA array
[n_rows, n_cols, 3] for RGB or [n_rows, n_cols, 4] for RGBA
snapshot = self.renderer.snapshot()
if rgb:
bg = np.zeros(snapshot.shape).astype(np.uint8)
bg[:, :, -1] = 255
img_alpha = snapshot[..., -1] / 255
rgb = snapshot[..., :-1] * img_alpha[..., None] + bg[..., :-1] * np.ones(
)[..., None] * (1 - img_alpha[..., None])
return rgb.astype(np.uint8)
return snapshot
def export(self, uri: str | Path | bytes, **kwargs):
Use ``imageio`` for writing the current Figure to a file, or return a byte string.
Must have ``imageio`` installed.
uri: str | Path | bytes
kwargs: passed to imageio.v3.imwrite, see:
None | bytes
import imageio.v3 as iio
except ModuleNotFoundError:
raise ImportError(
"imageio is required to use Figure.export(). Install it using pip or conda:\n"
"pip install imageio\n"
"conda install -c conda-forge imageio\n"
# image formats that support alpha channel:
alpha_support = [".png", ".exr", ".tiff", ".tif", ".gif", ".jxl", ".svg"]
uri = Path(uri)
if uri.suffix in alpha_support:
rgb = False
rgb = True
snapshot = self.export_numpy(rgb=rgb)
return iio.imwrite(uri, snapshot, **kwargs)
def _fpl_set_subplot_viewport_rect(self, subplot: Subplot):
Sets the viewport rect for the given subplot
if self.mode == "grid":
# row, col position of this subplot within the grid
row_ix, col_ix = self._subplot_grid_positions[subplot]
# number of rows, cols in the grid
nrows, ncols = self.shape
# get starting positions and dimensions for the pygfx portion of the canvas
# anything outside the pygfx portion of the canvas is for imgui
x0_canvas, y0_canvas, width_canvas, height_canvas = (
# width of an individual subplot
width_subplot = width_canvas / ncols
# height of an individual subplot
height_subplot = height_canvas / nrows
# x position of this subplot
x_pos = (
((col_ix - 1) * width_subplot)
+ width_subplot
+ x0_canvas
+ self.spacing
# y position of this subplot
y_pos = (
((row_ix - 1) * height_subplot)
+ height_subplot
+ y0_canvas
+ self.spacing
if self.__class__.__name__ == "ImguiFigure" and subplot.toolbar:
# leave space for imgui toolbar
height_subplot -= IMGUI_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT
# clip so that min (w, h) is always 1, otherwise JupyterRenderCanvas causes issues because it
# initializes with a width, height of (0, 0)
rect = np.array(
width_subplot - self.spacing,
height_subplot - self.spacing,
).clip(min=[0, 0, 1, 1])
# adjust if a subplot dock is present
adjust = np.array(
# add left dock size to x_pos
# add top dock size to y_pos
# remove left and right dock sizes from width
-subplot.docks["right"].size - subplot.docks["left"].size,
# remove top and bottom dock sizes from height
-subplot.docks["top"].size - subplot.docks["bottom"].size,
subplot.viewport.rect = rect + adjust
def _fpl_set_subplot_dock_viewport_rect(self, subplot, position):
Sets the viewport rect for the given subplot dock
dock = subplot.docks[position]
if dock.size == 0:
dock.viewport.rect = None
if self.mode == "grid":
# row, col position of this subplot within the grid
row_ix, col_ix = self._subplot_grid_positions[subplot]
# number of rows, cols in the grid
nrows, ncols = self.shape
x0_canvas, y0_canvas, width_canvas, height_canvas = (
# width of an individual subplot
width_subplot = width_canvas / ncols
# height of an individual subplot
height_subplot = height_canvas / nrows
# calculate the rect based on the dock position
match position:
case "right":
x_pos = (
((col_ix - 1) * width_subplot) + (width_subplot * 2) - dock.size
y_pos = (
((row_ix - 1) * height_subplot) + height_subplot + self.spacing
width_viewport = dock.size
height_viewport = height_subplot - self.spacing
case "left":
x_pos = ((col_ix - 1) * width_subplot) + width_subplot
y_pos = (
((row_ix - 1) * height_subplot) + height_subplot + self.spacing
width_viewport = dock.size
height_viewport = height_subplot - self.spacing
case "top":
x_pos = (
((col_ix - 1) * width_subplot) + width_subplot + self.spacing
y_pos = (
((row_ix - 1) * height_subplot) + height_subplot + self.spacing
width_viewport = width_subplot - self.spacing
height_viewport = dock.size
case "bottom":
x_pos = (
((col_ix - 1) * width_subplot) + width_subplot + self.spacing
y_pos = (
((row_ix - 1) * height_subplot)
+ (height_subplot * 2)
- dock.size
width_viewport = width_subplot - self.spacing
height_viewport = dock.size
case _:
raise ValueError("invalid position")
dock.viewport.rect = [
x_pos + x0_canvas,
y_pos + y0_canvas,
def _set_viewport_rects(self, *ev):
"""set the viewport rects for all subplots, *ev argument is not used, exists because of renderer resize event"""
for subplot in self:
for dock_pos in subplot.docks.keys():
self._fpl_set_subplot_dock_viewport_rect(subplot, dock_pos)
def get_pygfx_render_area(self, *args) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]:
Fet rect for the portion of the canvas that the pygfx renderer draws to,
i.e. non-imgui, part of canvas
tuple[int, int, int, int]
x_pos, y_pos, width, height
width, height = self.canvas.get_logical_size()
return 0, 0, width, height
def __iter__(self):
self._current_iter = iter(range(len(self)))
return self
def __next__(self) -> Subplot:
pos = self._current_iter.__next__()
return self._subplots.ravel()[pos]
def __len__(self):
"""number of subplots"""
if isinstance(self._shape, tuple):
return self.shape[0] * self.shape[1]
if isinstance(self._shape, list):
return len(self._shape)
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__} @ {hex(id(self))}"
def __repr__(self):
newline = "\n\t"
return (
f"fastplotlib.{self.__class__.__name__} @ {hex(id(self))}\n"
f" Subplots:\n"
f"\t{newline.join(subplot.__str__() for subplot in self)}"