GPU Info and selection ====================== FAQ --- 1. Do I need a GPU? Technically no, you can perform limited software rendering on linux using lavapipe (see drivers link below). However ``fastplotlib`` is intentionally built for realtime rendering using the latest GPU technologies, so we strongly recommend that you use a GPU. Note that modern integrated graphics is often sufficient for many use-cases. 2. My kernel keeps crashing. This can happen under the following circumstances: - You have ran out of GPU VRAM. - Driver issues (see next section). If you aren't able to solve it please post an issue on GitHub. :) 3. Nothing renders or rendering is weird, or I see graphical artifacts. - Probably driver issues (see next section). Drivers ------- If you notice weird graphic artifacts, things not rendering, or other glitches try updating to the latest stable drivers. More information is also available on the WGPU docs: Windows ^^^^^^^ Vulkan drivers should be installed by default on Windows 11, but you will need to install your GPU manufacturer's driver package (Nvidia or AMD). If you have an integrated GPU within your CPU, you might still need to install a driver package too, check your CPU manufacturer's info. Linux ^^^^^ You will generally need a linux distro that is from ~2020 or newer (ex. Ubuntu 18.04 won't work), this is due to the `glibc` requirements of the `wgpu-native` binary. Install the drivers directly from your GPU manufacturer's website, after that you may still need to install mesa vulkan drivers: Debian based distros:: sudo apt install mesa-vulkan-drivers For other distros install the corresponding vulkan driver package. Cloud compute ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ See the WGPU docs: Mac OSX ^^^^^^^ WGPU uses Metal instead of Vulkan on Mac. You will need at least Mac OSX 10.13. The OS should come with Metal pre-installed, so you should be good to go! GPU Info -------- View available adapters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can get a summary of all adapters that are available to ``WGPU`` like this:: import fastplotlib as fpl adapters = fpl.enumerate_adapters() for a in adapters: print(a.summary) For example, on a Thinkpad AMD laptop with a dedicated nvidia GPU this returns:: AMD Radeon Graphics (RADV REMBRANDT) (IntegratedGPU) on Vulkan NVIDIA T1200 Laptop GPU (DiscreteGPU) on Vulkan llvmpipe (LLVM 15.0.6, 256 bits) (CPU) on Vulkan AMD Radeon Graphics (rembrandt, LLVM 15.0.6, DRM 3.52, 6.4.0-0.deb12.2-amd64) (Unknown) on OpenGL In jupyter all the available adapters are also listed when ``fastplotlib`` is imported. You can get more detailed info on each adapter like this:: import pprint for a in fpl.enumerate_adapters(): pprint.pprint( General description of the fields: * vendor: GPU manufacturer * device: specific GPU model * description: GPU driver version * adapter_type: indicates whether this is a discrete GPU, integrated GPU, or software rendering adapter (CPU) * backend_type: one of "Vulkan", "Metal", or "D3D12" For more information on the fields see: Adapter currently in use ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you want to know the adapter that a figure is using you can check the adapter on the renderer:: # for example if we make a plot fig = fpl.Figure() fig[0, 0].add_image(np.random.rand(100, 100)) # GPU that is currently in use by the renderer print(fig.renderer.device.adapter.summary) Diagnostic info ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After creating a figure you can view WGPU diagnostic info like this:: fpl.print_wgpu_report() Example output:: ██ system: platform: Linux-5.10.0-21-amd64-x86_64-with-glibc2.31 python_implementation: CPython python: 3.11.3 ██ versions: wgpu: 0.15.1 cffi: 1.15.1 jupyter_rfb: 0.4.2 numpy: 1.26.4 pygfx: 0.2.0 pylinalg: 0.4.1 fastplotlib: 0.1.0.a16 ██ wgpu_native_info: expected_version: lib_version: lib_path: ./resources/ ██ object_counts: count resource_mem Adapter: 1 BindGroup: 3 BindGroupLayout: 3 Buffer: 6 696 CanvasContext: 1 CommandBuffer: 0 CommandEncoder: 0 ComputePassEncoder: 0 ComputePipeline: 0 Device: 1 PipelineLayout: 0 QuerySet: 0 Queue: 1 RenderBundle: 0 RenderBundleEncoder: 0 RenderPassEncoder: 0 RenderPipeline: 3 Sampler: 2 ShaderModule: 3 Texture: 6 9.60M TextureView: 6 total: 36 9.60M ██ wgpu_native_counts: count mem backend a k r e el_size Adapter: 1 1.98K vulkan: 1 1 3 0 1.98K BindGroup: 3 1.10K vulkan: 3 3 0 0 368 BindGroupLayout: 3 960 vulkan: 5 3 2 0 320 Buffer: 6 1.77K vulkan: 7 6 1 0 296 CanvasContext: 0 0 0 0 0 0 160 CommandBuffer: 1 1.25K vulkan: 0 0 0 1 1.25K ComputePipeline: 0 0 vulkan: 0 0 0 0 288 Device: 1 11.8K vulkan: 1 1 0 0 11.8K PipelineLayout: 0 0 vulkan: 3 0 3 0 200 QuerySet: 0 0 vulkan: 0 0 0 0 80 Queue: 1 184 vulkan: 1 1 0 0 184 RenderBundle: 0 0 vulkan: 0 0 0 0 848 RenderPipeline: 3 1.68K vulkan: 3 3 0 0 560 Sampler: 2 160 vulkan: 2 2 0 0 80 ShaderModule: 3 2.40K vulkan: 3 3 0 0 800 Texture: 6 4.94K vulkan: 7 6 1 0 824 TextureView: 6 1.48K vulkan: 6 6 1 0 248 total: 36 29.7K * The a, k, r, e are allocated, kept, released, and error, respectively. * Reported memory does not include buffer/texture data. ██ pygfx_adapter_info: vendor: radv architecture: device: AMD RADV POLARIS10 (ACO) description: Mesa 20.3.5 (ACO) vendor_id: 4.09K device_id: 26.5K adapter_type: DiscreteGPU backend_type: Vulkan ██ pygfx_features: adapter device bgra8unorm-storage: - - depth32float-stencil8: ✓ - depth-clip-control: ✓ - float32-filterable: ✓ ✓ indirect-first-instance: ✓ - rg11b10ufloat-renderable: ✓ - shader-f16: - - texture-compression-astc: - - texture-compression-bc: ✓ - texture-compression-etc2: - - timestamp-query: ✓ - MultiDrawIndirect: ✓ - MultiDrawIndirectCount: ✓ - PushConstants: ✓ - TextureAdapterSpecificFormatFeatures: ✓ - VertexWritableStorage: ✓ - ██ pygfx_limits: adapter device max-bind-groups: 8 8 max-bind-groups-plus-vertex-buffers: 0 0 max-bindings-per-bind-group: 1.00K 1.00K max-buffer-size: 2.14G 2.14G max-color-attachment-bytes-per-sample: 0 0 max-color-attachments: 0 0 max-compute-invocations-per-workgroup: 1.02K 1.02K max-compute-workgroup-size-x: 1.02K 1.02K max-compute-workgroup-size-y: 1.02K 1.02K max-compute-workgroup-size-z: 1.02K 1.02K max-compute-workgroup-storage-size: 32.7K 32.7K max-compute-workgroups-per-dimension: 65.5K 65.5K max-dynamic-storage-buffers-per-pipeline-layout: 8 8 max-dynamic-uniform-buffers-per-pipeline-layout: 16 16 max-inter-stage-shader-components: 128 128 max-inter-stage-shader-variables: 0 0 max-sampled-textures-per-shader-stage: 8.38M 8.38M max-samplers-per-shader-stage: 8.38M 8.38M max-storage-buffer-binding-size: 2.14G 2.14G max-storage-buffers-per-shader-stage: 8.38M 8.38M max-storage-textures-per-shader-stage: 8.38M 8.38M max-texture-array-layers: 2.04K 2.04K max-texture-dimension-1d: 16.3K 16.3K max-texture-dimension-2d: 16.3K 16.3K max-texture-dimension-3d: 2.04K 2.04K max-uniform-buffer-binding-size: 2.14G 2.14G max-uniform-buffers-per-shader-stage: 8.38M 8.38M max-vertex-attributes: 32 32 max-vertex-buffer-array-stride: 2.04K 2.04K max-vertex-buffers: 16 16 min-storage-buffer-offset-alignment: 32 32 min-uniform-buffer-offset-alignment: 32 32 ██ pygfx_caches: count hits misses full_quad_objects: 1 0 2 mipmap_pipelines: 0 0 0 layouts: 1 0 3 bindings: 1 0 1 shader_modules: 2 0 2 pipelines: 2 0 2 shadow_pipelines: 0 0 0 ██ pygfx_resources: Texture: 8 Buffer: 23 Select GPU (adapter) -------------------- You can select an adapter by passing one of the ``wgpu.GPUAdapter`` instances returned by ``fpl.enumerate_adapters()`` to ``fpl.select_adapter()``:: # get info or summary of all adapters to pick an adapter import pprint for a in fpl.enumerate_adapters(): pprint.pprint( # example, pick adapter at index 2 chosen_gpu = fpl.enumerate_adapters()[2] fpl.select_adapter(chosen_gpu) **You must select an adapter before creating a** ``Figure`` **, otherwise the default adapter will be selected. Once a** ``Figure`` **is created the adapter cannot be changed.** Note that using this function reduces the portability of your code, because it's highly specific for your current machine/environment. The order of the adapters returned by ``fpl.enumerate_adapters()`` is such that Vulkan adapters go first, then Metal, then D3D12, then OpenGL. Within each category, the order as provided by the particular backend is maintained. Note that the same device may be present via multiple backends (e.g. vulkan/opengl). We cannot make guarantees about whether the order of the adapters matches the order as reported by e.g. ``nvidia-smi``. We have found that on a Linux multi-gpu cluster, the order does match, but we cannot promise that this is always the case. If you want to make sure, do some testing by allocating big buffers and checking memory usage using ``nvidia-smi`` Example to allocate and check GPU mem usage:: import subprocess import wgpu import torch def allocate_gpu_mem_with_wgpu(idx): a = wgpu.gpu.enumerate_adapters()[idx] d = a.request_device() b = d.create_buffer(size=10*2**20, usage=wgpu.BufferUsage.COPY_DST) return b def allocate_gpu_mem_with_torch(idx): d = torch.device(f"cuda:{idx}") return torch.ones([2000, 10], dtype=torch.float32, device=d) def show_mem_usage(): print(["nvidia-smi"])) See for more details.