Source code for fastplotlib.layouts._imgui_figure

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Literal, Iterable

import numpy as np

import imgui_bundle
from imgui_bundle import imgui, icons_fontawesome_6 as fa

from wgpu.utils.imgui import ImguiRenderer
from wgpu.gui import WgpuCanvasBase

import pygfx

from ._figure import Figure
from ._utils import make_canvas_and_renderer
from ..ui import EdgeWindow, SubplotToolbar, StandardRightClickMenu, Popup, GUI_EDGES
from ..ui import ColormapPicker

[docs] class ImguiFigure(Figure): def __init__( self, shape: tuple[int, int] = (1, 1), cameras: ( Literal["2d", "3d"] | Iterable[Iterable[Literal["2d", "3d"]]] | pygfx.PerspectiveCamera | Iterable[Iterable[pygfx.PerspectiveCamera]] ) = "2d", controller_types: ( Iterable[Iterable[Literal["panzoom", "fly", "trackball", "orbit"]]] | Iterable[Literal["panzoom", "fly", "trackball", "orbit"]] ) = None, controller_ids: ( Literal["sync"] | Iterable[int] | Iterable[Iterable[int]] | Iterable[Iterable[str]] ) = None, controllers: pygfx.Controller | Iterable[Iterable[pygfx.Controller]] = None, canvas: str | WgpuCanvasBase | pygfx.Texture = None, renderer: pygfx.WgpuRenderer = None, size: tuple[int, int] = (500, 300), names: list | np.ndarray = None, ): self._guis: dict[str, EdgeWindow] = {k: None for k in GUI_EDGES} canvas, renderer = make_canvas_and_renderer( canvas, renderer, canvas_kwargs={"size": size} ) self._imgui_renderer = ImguiRenderer(renderer.device, canvas) super().__init__( shape=shape, cameras=cameras, controller_types=controller_types, controller_ids=controller_ids, controllers=controllers, canvas=canvas, renderer=renderer, size=size, names=names, ) fronts_path = str( Path(imgui_bundle.__file__).parent.joinpath( "assets", "fonts", "Font_Awesome_6_Free-Solid-900.otf" ) ) io = imgui.get_io() self._fa_icons = io.fonts.add_font_from_file_ttf( fronts_path, 16, glyph_ranges_as_int_list=[fa.ICON_MIN_FA, fa.ICON_MAX_FA] ) self.imgui_renderer.backend.create_fonts_texture() self.imgui_renderer.set_gui(self._draw_imgui) self._subplot_toolbars: np.ndarray[SubplotToolbar] = np.empty( shape=self._subplots.shape, dtype=object ) for subplot in self._subplots.ravel(): toolbar = SubplotToolbar(subplot=subplot, fa_icons=self._fa_icons) self._subplot_toolbars[subplot.position] = toolbar self._right_click_menu = StandardRightClickMenu( figure=self, fa_icons=self._fa_icons ) self._popups: dict[str, Popup] = {} self.register_popup(ColormapPicker) @property def guis(self) -> dict[str, EdgeWindow]: """GUI windows added to the Figure""" return self._guis @property def imgui_renderer(self) -> ImguiRenderer: """imgui renderer""" return self._imgui_renderer
[docs] def render(self, draw=False): super().render(draw) self.imgui_renderer.render() self.canvas.request_draw()
def _draw_imgui(self) -> imgui.ImDrawData: imgui.new_frame() for subplot, toolbar in zip( self._subplots.ravel(), self._subplot_toolbars.ravel() ): if not subplot.toolbar: # if subplot.toolbar is False continue toolbar.update() for gui in self.guis.values(): if gui is not None: gui.draw_window() for popup in self._popups.values(): popup.update() self._right_click_menu.update() imgui.end_frame() imgui.render() return imgui.get_draw_data()
[docs] def add_gui(self, gui: EdgeWindow): """ Add a GUI to the Figure. GUIs can be added to the top, bottom, left or right edge. Parameters ---------- gui: EdgeWindow A GUI EdgeWindow instance """ if not isinstance(gui, EdgeWindow): raise TypeError( f"GUI must be of type: {EdgeWindow} you have passed a {type(gui)}" ) location = gui.location if location not in GUI_EDGES: raise ValueError( f"GUI does not have a valid location, valid locations are: {GUI_EDGES}, you have passed: {location}" ) if self.guis[location] is not None: raise ValueError(f"GUI already exists in the desired location: {location}") self.guis[location] = gui self._reset_viewports()
[docs] def get_pygfx_render_area(self, *args) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]: """ Fet rect for the portion of the canvas that the pygfx renderer draws to, i.e. non-imgui, part of canvas Returns ------- tuple[int, int, int, int] x_pos, y_pos, width, height """ width, height = self.canvas.get_logical_size() for edge in ["left", "right"]: if self.guis[edge]: width -= self._guis[edge].size for edge in ["top", "bottom"]: if self.guis[edge]: height -= self._guis[edge].size if self.guis["left"]: xpos = self.guis["left"].size else: xpos = 0 if self.guis["top"]: ypos = self.guis["top"].size else: ypos = 0 return xpos, ypos, width, height
def _reset_viewports(self): # TODO: think about moving this to Figure later, # maybe also refactor Subplot and PlotArea so that # the resize event is handled at the Figure level instead for subplot in self: subplot.set_viewport_rect() for dock in subplot.docks.values(): dock.set_viewport_rect()
[docs] def register_popup(self, popup: Popup.__class__): """ Register a popup class. Note that this takes the class, not an instance Parameters ---------- popup: Popup subclass """ self._popups[] = popup(self)
[docs] def open_popup(self, name: str, pos: tuple[int, int], **kwargs): """ Open a registered popup Parameters ---------- name: str The registered name of the popup pos: int, int x_pos, y_pos for the popup kwargs any additional kwargs to pass to the Popup's open() method """ if self._popups[name].is_open: return self._popups[name].open(pos, **kwargs)