

This is the main base class within layouts. A Figure and Dock are areas within a Subplot that inherit from PlotArea.

PlotArea has the following key properties that allow it to be a “plot area” that can be used to view graphical objects:

  • scene - instance of pygfx.Scene

  • canvas - instance of WgpuCanvas

  • renderer - instance of pygfx.WgpuRenderer

  • viewport - instance of pygfx.Viewport

  • camera - instance of pygfx.PerspectiveCamera, we always just use PerspectiveCamera and just set camera.fov = 0 for orthographic projections

  • controller - instance of pygfx.Controller

If these concepts are unfamiliar to you we recommend learning about how rendering engines work, the pygfx guide is a great place to start!

Here is also a short video that goes through the basic concepts:

Abstract method that must be implemented in subclasses:

  • get_rect - must return [x, y, width, height] that defines the viewport rect for this PlotArea

Properties specifically used by subplots in a Figure:

  • parent - A parent if relevant, used by individual Subplots in Figure, and by Dock which are “docked” subplots at the edges of a subplot.

  • position - if a subplot within a Figure, it is the position of this subplot within the Figure

Other important properties:

  • graphics - a tuple of weakref proxies to all Graphics within this PlotArea, users are only given weakref proxies to Graphic objects, all Graphic objects are stored in a private global dict.

  • selectors - a tuple of weakref proxies to all selectors within this PlotArea

  • legend - a tuple of weakref proxies to all legend graphics within this PlotArea

  • name - plot areas are allowed to have names that the user can use for their convenience

Important methods:

  • add_graphic - add a Graphic to the PlotArea, append to the end of the PlotArea._graphics list

  • insert_graphic - insert a Graphic to the PlotArea, insert to a specific position of the PlotArea._graphics list

  • remove_graphic - remove a graphic from the Scene, does not delete it

  • delete_graphic - delete a graphic from the PlotArea, performs garbage collection

  • clear - deletes all graphics from the PlotArea

  • center_graphic - center camera w.r.t. a Graphic

  • center_scene - center camera w.r.t. entire Scene

  • auto_scale - Auto-scale the camera w.r.t to the Scene

In addition, PlotArea supports __getitem__, so you can do: plot_area["graphic_name"] to retrieve a Graphic by name.

You can also check if a PlotArea has certain graphics, ex: "some_image_name" in plot_area, or graphic_instance in plot_area


This class inherits from PlotArea and GraphicMethodsMixin.

GraphicMethodsMixin is a simple class that just has all the add_<graphic> methods. It is autogenerated by a utility script like this:

python scripts/

Each add_<graphic> method basically creates an instance of Graphic, adds it to the Subplot, and returns the Graphic.

Subplot has one property that is not in PlotArea:

  • docks: a dict of PlotAreas which are located at the “top”, “right”, “left”, and “bottom” edges of a Subplot.

By default their size is 0. They are useful for putting things like histogram LUT tools.

The key method in Subplot is an implementation of get_rect that returns the viewport rect for this subplot.


Now that we have understood PlotArea and Subplot we need a way for the user to create them!

A Figure contains a grid of subplot and has methods such as show() to output the figure. Figure.__init__ basically does a lot of parsing of user arguments to determine how to create the subplots. All subplots within a Figure share the same canvas and use different viewports to create the subplots.