
class LineStack(data, thickness=2.0, colors='w', alpha=1.0, cmap=None, cmap_transform=None, name=None, names=None, metadata=None, metadatas=None, isolated_buffer=True, separation=10.0, separation_axis='y', kwargs_lines=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Create a stack of LineGraphic that are separated along the “x” or “y” axis.

  • data (list of array-like) –

    List or array-like of multiple line data to plot

    if list each item in the list must be a 1D, 2D, or 3D numpy array
    if array-like, must be of shape [n_lines, n_points_line, y | xy | xyz]

  • thickness (float or Iterable of float, default 2.0) –

    if float, single thickness will be used for all lines
    if list of float, each value will apply to the individual lines

  • colors (str, RGBA array, Iterable of RGBA array, or Iterable of str, default "w") –

    if single str such as “w”, “r”, “b”, etc, represents a single color for all lines
    if single RGBA array (tuple or list of size 4), represents a single color for all lines
    if list of str, represents color for each individual line, example [“w”, “b”, “r”,…]
    if RGBA array of shape [data_size, 4], represents a single RGBA array for each line

  • alpha (float, optional) – alpha value for colors, if colors is a str

  • cmap (Iterable of str or str, optional) –

    if str, single cmap will be used for all lines
    if list of str, each cmap will apply to the individual lines


    cmap overrides any arguments passed to colors

  • cmap_transform (1D array-like of numerical values, optional) – if provided, these values are used to map the colors from the cmap

  • name (str, optional) – name of the line collection as a whole

  • names (list[str], optional) – names of the individual lines in the collection, len(names) must equal len(data)

  • metadata (Any) – metadata associated with the collection as a whole

  • metadatas (Iterable or array) – metadata for each individual line associated with this collection, this is for the user to manage. len(metadata) must be same as len(data)

  • separation (float, default 10) – space in between each line graphic in the stack

  • separation_axis (str, default "y") – axis in which the line graphics in the stack should be separated

kwargs_lines: list[dict], optional

list of kwargs passed to the individual lines, len(kwargs_lines) must equal len(data)


kwargs for the collection, passed to GraphicCollection


Line collection slicing

Line collection slicing

Line Stack

Line Stack

Line stack 3D

Line stack 3D

LinearRegionSelectors with LineCollection

LinearRegionSelectors with LineCollection

Linear Selectors

Linear Selectors