
Subplot.add_image(data, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap='plasma', interpolation='nearest', cmap_interpolation='linear', isolated_buffer=True, **kwargs)#

Create an Image Graphic

  • data (array-like) – array-like, usually numpy.ndarray, must support memoryview() | shape must be [n_rows, n_cols], [n_rows, n_cols, 3] for RGB or [n_rows, n_cols, 4] for RGBA

  • vmin (int, optional) – minimum value for color scaling, calculated from data if not provided

  • vmax (int, optional) – maximum value for color scaling, calculated from data if not provided

  • cmap (str, optional, default "plasma") – colormap to use to display the data

  • interpolation (str, optional, default "nearest") – interpolation filter, one of “nearest” or “linear”

  • cmap_interpolation (str, optional, default "linear") – colormap interpolation method, one of “nearest” or “linear”

  • isolated_buffer (bool, default True) – If True, initialize a buffer with the same shape as the input data and then set the data, useful if the data arrays are ready-only such as memmaps. If False, the input array is itself used as the buffer.

  • kwargs – additional keyword arguments passed to Graphic

Return type:



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