
class Figure(shape=(1, 1), rects=None, extents=None, cameras='2d', controller_types=None, controller_ids=None, controllers=None, canvas=None, renderer=None, canvas_kwargs=None, size=(500, 300), names=None)[source]#

Create a Figure containing Subplots.

  • shape (tuple[int, int], default (1, 1)) – shape [n_rows, n_cols] that defines a grid of subplots

  • rects (list of tuples or arrays) – list of rects (x, y, width, height) that define the subplots. rects can be defined in absolute pixels or as a fraction of the canvas. If width & height <= 1 the rect is assumed to be fractional. Conversely, if width & height > 1 the rect is assumed to be in absolute pixels. width & height must be > 0. Negative values are not allowed.

  • extents (list of tuples or arrays) –

    list of extents (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) that define the subplots. extents can be defined in absolute pixels or as a fraction of the canvas. If xmax & ymax <= 1 the extent is assumed to be fractional. Conversely, if xmax & ymax > 1 the extent is assumed to be in absolute pixels. Negative values are not allowed. xmax - xmin & ymax - ymin must be > 0.

    If both rects and extents are provided, then rects takes precedence over extents, i.e. extents is ignored when rects are also provided.

  • cameras ("2d", "3d", list of "2d" | "3d", Iterable of camera instances, or Iterable of "2d" | "3d", optional) –

    if str, one of "2d" or "3d" indicating 2D or 3D cameras for all subplots
    Iterable/list/array of 2d and/or 3d that specifies the camera type for each subplot
    Iterable/list/array of pygfx.PerspectiveCamera instances

  • controller_types (str, Iterable, optional) – list/array that specifies the controller type for each subplot. Valid controller types: “panzoom”, “fly”, “trackball”, “orbit”. If not specified a default controller is chosen based on the camera type. Orthographic projections, i.e. “2d” cameras, use a “panzoom” controller by default. Perspective projections with a FOV > 0, i.e. “3d” cameras, use a “fly” controller by default.

  • controller_ids (str, list of int, np.ndarray of int, or list with sublists of subplot str names, optional) –

    If None a unique controller is created for each subplot
    If “sync” all the subplots use the same controller

    This allows custom assignment of controllers

    Example with integers:
    sync first 2 plots, and sync last 2 plots: [[0, 0, 1], [2, 3, 3]]
    Example with str subplot names:
    list of lists of subplot names, each sublist is synced: [[subplot_a, subplot_b, subplot_e], [subplot_c, subplot_d]]
    this syncs subplot_a, subplot_b and subplot_e together; syncs subplot_c and subplot_d together

  • controllers (pygfx.Controller | list[pygfx.Controller] | np.ndarray[pygfx.Controller], optional) – directly provide pygfx.Controller instances(s). Useful if you want to use a controller from an existing plot/subplot. Other controller kwargs, i.e. controller_types and controller_ids are ignored if controllers are provided.

  • canvas (str, BaseRenderCanvas, pygfx.Texture) – Canvas to draw the figure onto, usually auto-selected based on running environment.

  • renderer (pygfx.Renderer, optional) – pygfx renderer instance

  • canvas_kwargs (dict, optional) – kwargs to pass to the canvas

  • size ((int, int), optional) – starting size of canvas in absolute pixels, default (500, 300)

  • names (list or array of str, optional) – subplot names


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GridPlot Non-Square Example

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Heatmap or large arrays

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Image Colormap

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RGB Image

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RGB Image Vmin/Vmax

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Simple Image

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Small Image

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Image Vmin/Vmax

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Line Plot Colormap

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Line Collection Qualitative Colormap

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Line Collection Colors

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Line Stack

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Line stack 3D

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Simple Image Update

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Simple 3D Line Animation

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Simple Line Animation

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Lorenz System Animation

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Multi-Subplot Image Update

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Scatter Animation Data

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Scatter sizes animation

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Simple Event

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Embed within a Qt Window

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Minimal Qt

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Scatter Plot

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Scatter Colormap

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Iris Scatter Colormap

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Scatter Plot Color Slicing

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Scatter Plot Data Slicing

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Scatter Plot Size

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Spinning spiral scatter

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LinearRegionSelectors with LineCollection

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LinearRegionSelectors match offsets

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Linear Selectors

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Linear Selectors Image

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Rectangle Selectors

Rectangle Selectors

Rectangle Selectors Images

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Unit circle

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Fractional Extent Layout

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Extent Layout

Extent Layout

Rect Fractional Layout

Rect Fractional Layout

Rect Layout

Rect Layout